Saturday, March 21, 2009

Hello Spring!

The vernal equinox occurred yesterday, March 20th at 7:44 a.m. ET (in the Northern Hemisphere) marking the beginning of Spring. While it doesn't really feel like it just yet, I'm hopeful that it'll only be a matter of time before it does!

In years past, I've celebrated the passage of the seasons by having little celebrations with H. One year we shared petit fours and placed a candle on one for each of us. We blew out our candles and made a wish for the coming season - for something thoughtful and not materialistic. I encouraged H to wish for nice things for family and friends such as good times ahead or a peaceful season. We would also place our rocks and crystals in the moonlight and bestow happy thoughts upon them. Sometimes we would make crafts or go for a walk.

Some observations around the world on the vernal equinox include:

- Shunbun no hi which is celebrated in Japan by honoring ancestors and eating delicious peony cakes
- Mother's Day which is celebrated on the first day of Spring in many Arab countries
- The first day of the Baha'i calendar
- Eide shoma mobarak which marks New Year's Day in Iran
- World Storytelling Day

Tonight, I lit candles for dinner and we made a toast. This week, I'd like to do some crafts with H or perhaps, do some sprouting.

Wishing you a happy Spring! xo

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