Monday, January 26, 2009

Back at it

What a great weekend! Dinner with B on Saturday was such a treat. We all went down to The Real Jerk and stuffed ourselves silly. I love the vibe there and the food is oh, so delicious. To top it all off, H & I shared a red velvet cupcake and a vanilla bean cupcake which we picked up on the way home.

Yesterday, J thought it would be fun for the three of us to go to a local flea market. I had visions of tattered old books and magazines, stacks of black and white photographs, and oodles of tacky knick-knacks running through my head. Instead, what we saw were little make-shift stalls of bootleg DVDs, dozens of racks of cheap (tacky) clothing, a 'shop' full of swords and knives and the most heartbreaking little pet store which makes me sad just thinking about it. (H couldn't believe her eyes. It was painful for her to see the animals cooped up in their little glass showcases.) We didn't last long there yet, it was enough to give us all headaches.

To wipe the experience from our minds, J suggested a drive through Roncesvalles where we might come upon some decent vintage shops. Mrs. Huizenga and Hawk Eyes, both on Roncessvalles Avenue and just a few doors down from each other, were exactly what the doctor ordered. Each store had lovely pieces from the past, carefully chosen and beautifully displayed - from books and magazines to stylish clothing, and cool chairs to retro dressers and shelves. My absolute favorite was a gorgeous icebox at Hawk Eyes which had a beautiful picture on the front of it and marble shelves inside. There were also many children's items reminiscent of days gone by when chalkboards and tea sets provided hours of fun. We followed this up with lunch at Tinto's for some comforting carrot-ginger soup, vegan nachos, salad and a berry smoothie (which we all shared).

Now, I'm back at it - working on my assignment and trying to make sense of it all. In some ways, it feels like I'm translating in another language.

You may hear from me again (several times, in fact!), when my better judgment leaves me for something more frivolous and carefree. See you soon. Have a wonderful day, friends. xo

1 comment:

Kate said...

Loved the lil tea set I had as a kid!

I'm in transcribing hell, would rather be browsing in vintage shops too!!!