Wednesday, January 21, 2009

If I am to do this, then I need to do that

Tomorrow afternoon, we'll be doing our 45 - 60 minute recording with an assigned partner for a huge assignment due next Friday. We'll also be creating a transcript of the interview and doing a thorough analysis of it.

I'm nervous about it since the process involves completing the interview by following a prescribed framework and particular assessment model while still being fluid and genuine. Also, it's worth a significant part of our course grade.

Interviewing is an art in and of itself - not something you can really rehearse for plus, you have absolutely no idea what the person will be bringing to the table or how things will progress. It really requires knowing the steps well, thinking on your feet and also knowing when to use a particular dimension of the model.

The nice thing is that we get the week off to complete the assignment in the location of our choice! I'm thinking: comfy sweatpants, endless cups of free coffee and tea, a warm blanket, fluffy pillows at my back with my trusty Mac in tow. :)

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