Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Taxidermist gone wild?

"According to Det. Suzanne Pinto, "a few sources" have told police they have recently found raccoon carcasses in the park. At least two of them were "deliberately posed," one "with his paws in front of him, holding a bouquet of flowers," one with dead squirrels around him.

This is part of an excerpt that appeared in an online article today in the Toronto Star.

For those of you that know me, you'll know that anything to do with raccoons captures my attention, mostly because I am maniacally afraid of them.

The thought of someone 'posing' dead raccoons is disturbing as hell. In my mind, I picture some freak placing the flowers and dead squirrels with a gleam in their eye like some mad painter. (Aiye - I just shivered)

For the complete story, visit: http://www.thestar.com/News/GTA/article/448401

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