Friday, June 27, 2008


I googled 'vintage frazzled' and found this picture. Strange. Sexist. Smile worthy.

I'm starting to feel frazzled that we're leaving so soon. Actually, it began earlier, last week, when I finally wrote down a list of things that I wanted to accomplish before going to Japan. Okay, okay, I know...the 'list people' out there are probably snickering at how late in the game I chose to create mine but I'm sure it will all get done but not without this self-induced frenzy I like to put myself in.

I have little annoying things that I need to do like laundry, putting together a little first aid kit (do you know how to say anti-diarrhea in Japanese?), cleaning, organizing my list of addresses for postcards (this is done - I just need to print it out), having breakfast with a friend and getting my teeth cleaned on Tuesday.

Right now, my biggest challenge is getting gifts together for our friends in Japan. It's a delicate artform this 'omiyage'(translation: the art of gift giving). I don't want to put myself to shame in this regard because I do really enjoy getting things for people that have been chosen thoughtfully on a regular basis, let alone presents that may represent the country I live in.

Further to this, I'd like to make a nice selection of cards made from my vault of handmade papers, ephemera, etc. tucked into an envelope made from recycled hostel maps that came to our office, mysteriously.

Oh yes, and then there's the packing. What to bring? I consider this to be quite important as it'll contribute to the aesthetic of our photos. Also, it's apparently more humid and hotter than summertime in Toronto! (I actually love this kind of weather) It sure beats freezing our toes off when we first arrived in Copenhagen last summer. This is after my husband advised us that Scandinavia would be absolutely hot and beautiful (perhaps, he meant the people?). We were grossly underdressed (but not scantily clad) and I wanted to buy mittens on our first day (but still had the most amazing trip of a lifetime!). All this to say, it'll be sweltering out. Excellent (I mean this in a good way). Now, to find visually appealing and sweatproof gear. Hmmm...

My favorite part of packing? Forget about the luggage that I'll be filling with my every day ensembles and skivvies, I'm more concerned about what I'll be bringing in my carry-on for the 18 hour flight (we'll stop in Vancouver, briefly). This is the part I love doing and what I take particularly careful consideration over. Which pens? Reading materials? Snacks? Breath fresheners? This is vital, people. It's all about feeling comfortable during the flight and not focusing on the hours spent staying in one place for so long. As per usual, I'll have a pile of letters to read and a fresh new journal. (Sweet) I'll have my laptop with me, as well. Mostly for blogging and uploading photos when we get there but I'll also bring some classic 80's movies for the flight, just in case...

I'm also preparing the little one's carry-on of goodies and have already wrapped some things that she can open througout the flight. The items are things that she can work on like Mad Libs or an activity book or some little craft...OR something frivolous like a sweet or some little novelty item. The whole plan is to keep her happy and occupied. I just have to make sure there aren't any knock-knock jokebooks that sneak their way in or travel Yahtzee. (How she loves her Yahtzee)

As for my husband's carry-on, well, I am forbidden to put anything in it. He loves to travel light so his knapsack is almost completely empty save a notebook, pen, iPod and wallet.

[And yes, he does think I'm crazy]

While all of this is happening - I still have a half day of work on Monday, my Mom flew in from Winnipeg for a surprise visit lastnight, the in-laws are in town for the weekend (meaning: visiting & dinner) and I need to get my profiles ready to go for What's Your Story? (Make sure you log on to blogTo every Monday and Thursday, folks!).

I hope it doesn't sound like I was complaining...I'm actually incredibly thrilled and grateful that we're going. If this is the worst kind of frenzy I experience, I should be so lucky. I just needed to share my thoughts on this today (and secretly, I wanted to use that cheesy picture above).

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