Thursday, May 15, 2008


I've been obsessing about raw food for the past week and lastnight, I made my first raw dinner! I made a delicious zucchini pasta with an alfredo sauce topped with black olives and sun dried tomatoes. It turned out really well and was easy to make. H was adventurous enough to give it a try but didn't take to it but J was thoroughly impressed.

Alfredo Sauce

About 3/4 cups pine nuts
squeeze a whole lime, to taste
Some cayenne powder, to taste (optional)
1 clove of garlic (or more, depending on palate)
3 - 5 tsp. of flax or olive oil
Pinch or two of sea salt
3/4 to 1 tbsp of nutritional yeast or vegan parmesan

Blend all of the ingredients together adding water until desired creaminess.

I added the sauce to some zucchini which I had shredded into long strips and topped with sun dried tomatoes and black olives. DELICIOUS!

[The original recipe can be found at]

The olives and sun dried tomatoes definitely added a nice touch to the sauce. I also sprinkled dulse flakes to add a bit of flavour and color.

[For those of you that aren't familiar with dulse, it's a type of sea vegetable/weed. It can be used instead of salt and adds a nice flavour to meals]

Following dinner, I made a nice fruit bowl of sliced bananas, nectarines, a handful of blueberries, Goji berries, some agave and some ground flax. It was absolutely delicious and I had it again for breakfast!

I was worried that I had eaten too many raw foods yesterday but I felt great lastnight! I think I'll try adding more raw dishes to my diet, particularly at lunch time (as it only affects my eating). I'd like to see if there are any benefits to it since I've had a history of gastrointestinal sensitivity. Will keep you posted!

PS I had the leftovers from yesterday's meal and it tastes as good as it did yesterday, perhaps, even better! (The flavour of the sun dried tomatoes and juice from the olives have blended in nicely to the sauce.)

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