Friday, March 30, 2007

Blogging for blogs

For the past couple of days, I have been googling for blogs that mention The Artist's Way and then, contacting the owners of the blogs if I find some inspiration in what I've read. I've already contacted two amazing women that have been kind enough to share their interesting lives with the world and as a result, have caused me to look within at some of my own personal interests and desires.

One of the women was kind enough to create a blog entry in response to my question of "how she found her path". Here is her url if you are interested in hearing her story:

The other individual sent me a nice little message, thanking me for reaching out to connect with her. Her gratitude brightened my day (and I felt a bit like I had just received an answer to fanmail). Stacie's blog can be found at:

I absolutely love the advent of blogs... (I guess, it's the voyeur in me - I hope that's not creepy to admit). At any given moment, you can enter another person's world and read about their joys and sorrows; what they're eating or wearing; what they love or loathe; where they work and where they play; how their little part of the world looks; their favorite recipes; what they look like; what their cats are up to (please note: I will instantly click off any blog that has pictures of cats on them or photos featuring their canine companions dressed up in Hallowe'en outfits or any outfits, for that matter!) and just about anything under the sun!

For me, the blogs offer a source of inspiration... to see what others have created or what they're currently working on; words of wisdom (or to heed by); finding creative ways that I would have never thought of on my own and just connecting with others who are passionate about their craft/life but still vulnerable enough in their everyday lives that they are still human.

Caveat emptor: It's addictive, as much as it is inspirational. Make sure you leave a little block of time to indulge... It can be as intoxicating as reading a good book - hard to put down (but not as easy to carry to the bathroom).

1 comment:

Stacy said...

wow, I am honored to be included in your weekly obsessions. I agree, blogs are completely addictive and inspirational.

I am enjoying your obsessions. xoxo